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We pledge to build a safe, prosperous, united and happy society,

the United Societies of America

 -- the best human-centered economy and superpower on earth.

Color Stain

The United Societies

Declaration of Independence

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are

Life, Liberty, the pursuit of Happiness

as well as Truth, Dignity, and Love.



We the People of the United States of America, declare that we will respect these Rights.



We hold these truths to be self-evident, that there are certain Qualities of human nature present in every human being that enable all men to flourish and to form a flourishing society, that among these are cooperative, selfless and loving moral instincts, self-consciousness, free will, desire for the good, the true, the just, desire to seek and follow the highest ideal, kindness, humility, integrity, responsibility, purposefulness, need for self-development and wresting order from chaos, discipline, self-determination, self-defense, group defense, courage, mutual trust, diversity, inclusion, social and racial justice, as well as curiosity and entrepreneurship that enable progress and the creation of the greater good.



We the People of the United States of America, declare to live up to these Qualities of human nature.



We declare to protect social justice and stand up to injustice and racism because we recognize the added value of individual differences, life experiences, knowledge, self-expression and the unique capabilities of all of our citizens, and what they collectively bring to our united nation.

We declare to protect everyone’s right to practice his or her own religion, or no religion at all – as long as this practice respects the above-mentioned Rights.

We declare to protect our democracy, live in accordance with it, and actively participate in it.

We declare to protect freedom of speech and expression.

We declare to protect our human-centered capitalism based on free-market, human-centered legislation and a universally accepted moral system based on the above-mentioned Rights and live in accordance with them - to create individual and common wealth as well as individual and common happiness.



We declare to eliminate poverty and provide decent living conditions for all.

We declare to provide fair access to good quality early childhood care and education for all.

We declare to provide fair access to good quality healthcare and life-saving interventions for all.

We declare to provide equal access to life opportunities for all.

Fair access must be defined, agreed upon and regularly verified by a democratically elected body representing the entire spectrum of society, and must take into account individual circumstances. The quality of services must be ensured by the forces of the free market.

We declare to ensure safety in our homeland for all.

We declare to protect our country from foreign forces.



Based on the above-mentioned Rights, Qualities & Declarations,

we pledge to build a safe, prosperous, united and happy society,

the United Societies of America

 - the best human-centered economy and superpower on earth.



In God we trust - to stay fearless and know how to truly love one another and ourselves.

{say people who decide to follow God}

In the highest ideal we trust that we will remain fearless and know how to truly love one another and ourselves.

{say people who decide to follow the highest moral system}




*We understand dignity as “the right of a person to be valued and respected for their own sake, and to be treated ethically.”

*We understand happiness as “the experience of joy, contentment, or positive well-being, combined with a sense that one’s life is good, meaningful, and worthwhile.”

*We understand love as the “act of the will to engage in action for the good of another human being with the support of the highest ideal, our Creator {for the people of faith}.”

*We understand freedom of faith and religion as an obvious consequence of free will – “True faith will never be true unless it is born of free choice.”


We love our country!

Without a doubt, We the People love our country, but are we ready to love each other?

Are we ready to write a New Declaration based on Truth, Dignity, and Love?

Are you ready to escape from the American cage?

Are you ready to live according to new ideals and principles?

Problems to solve

Let's take a look at some examples:

Significantly increase overall happiness in America to become one of the top 10 countries per the World Happiness Report from 2019, the Ranking of Happiness from 2016-2018, or significantly increase life satisfaction in America to become one of the top 10 countries per the OECD’s Better Life Index: “Life Satisfaction” indicator.

Significantly increase our personal happiness and climb to a higher level on any credible happiness assessment scale.

  • Increase American society's minimum basis for a dignified life

  • Significantly decrease homicide rates to increase safety

  • Increase access to education

  • Increase social trust and quality of communities’ support networks and confidence in government

  • Decrease depression rates

  • Decrease suicide rates

  • Reduce the world’s highest rates of substance abuse

  • Reduce digital-related addictions

  • Reduce the world’s highest rates of obesity, in turn decreasing the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer

  • Significantly increase time devoted to leisure and personal care to ensure healthy work-life balance

Decrease the amount of time young people (age 1-18) spend on digital media (to be even more specific, decrease it from the current six hours a day to one hour for 17-18-year-olds) AND increase physical social interactions between them. 

Significantly Increase Social Trust:

  • Define as clearly as possible our American culture

  • Increase social cohesiveness at the foundational level

  • Increase access to diversity and inclusion education for all

  • Increase the social responsibilities of investors and companies which have to create both financial and social value to exist

  • Increase the understanding of social capital in the United States and form tangible activities to increase value

Increase access to preschool education for all. 

Significantly improve the early education of the youngest:
•    Increase access to daycare and early education for all who want it.

•    Improve the goals and quality of daycare and our early education system:

  • Children should receive attention, acceptance, recognition, and inspiration.

  • Children should learn how to be curious.

  • Children should learn how to be responsible for their own lives and be socially responsible.

  • Children should learn what it means to live joyful, peaceful, and happy lives.

  • Children should learn about American culture and what makes us unique and united.

  • Children should learn how to be mindful and intentional.

  • Children should learn critical thinking, constructive criticism, and decision making.

  • Children should learn how to solve problems and generate new opportunities.

  • Children should learn how to create economic value and human value (personal happiness, social happiness, and the protection of nature).

  • Children should learn how to cooperate and how to compete, and the difference between the two.

•    Increase the quantity and improve the quality of interactions between children:

  • Significantly increase unsupervised play time (to stimulate the natural development of social skills, cooperation, competition, problem solving… and building trust within a peer group).

  • Introduce mandatory, scheduled, and long playground time together.

  • Introduce mandatory, scheduled, and well-designed teambuilding sessions together (getting to know each other better, have ability to connect, in action).

  • Significantly decrease assault deaths in America to the level of OECD countries’ average - as a first step. As a next step, to outperform those developed countries and go below the average assault death rate. Let me recall here, “…the rate of murder or manslaughter by firearm [in the US] is the highest in the developed world.”

  • Significantly increase safety by decreasing gun violence.

  • Transform a $60 billion industry into a new industry or set of industries and ensure jobs security.

  • Become a proud American without the support of the 2nd Amendment, and feel safe and powerful without the 2nd Amendment being a shield.


And much more...

We will succeed!

Because we, Americans, value, admire, and are ready to fight for our:

  • Liberty and freedom,

  • Self-determination,

  • Power (being in charge, deciding on our own)

  • Entrepreneurship, inventiveness, and innovation

  • Diversity

  • Democracy and a free market, our competitive advantages


Because we, Americans, have at least the following strengths:

  • We have a “self-made” mindset.

  • We have a strong work ethic, a “badge of honor.”

  • We have potential and can work harder and longer, so we are more professional than others.

  • We have the American Dream, coming from minimal personal means and rising to the top.

  • We have a competitive mindset. Being #1 is winning, and being #2 is “losing.”

  • We have a risk-taking mindset of “nothing ventured, nothing gained.”

  • We have confidence, the ability to turn issues into opportunities (you better be optimistic).

  • We have a “work hard, play hard” mentality.

  • We have incredible voluntarism and we self-organize around major adversities quickly.

  • We have an incredibly giving mindset and attitude. We gave $427.71 billion to charity in 2018.

  • We are effective and productive human beings.


Next steps

  1. Let's create a forum for an open exchange of thoughts and ideas

  2. You can read the book "Escape from the American Cage", and

  3. You can share with us what you agree and disagree with.

  4. You can share with us your ideas on how to solve your chosen problems.

  5. We will try to publish these most interesting or intriguing concepts.


Please use  "Join the movement" form.

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Before we launch an open forum to exchange thoughts and ideas...

Share with us what you like or dislike about the book: "Escape from the American Cage"

Share with us your ideas on how to solve selected problems.

Thanks for submitting!

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